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✔️ 標題 : 9mm
✔️ 片長 :
✔️ 类型: 剧情
✔️ 語言 :粵語 (中文字幕)
✔️ 視頻解析度: 720p-1080p HD
✔️ 視頻格式 : mp4
✔️ 上映日期: 2008-12-30
✔️ 演員 :Morgan Marinne, Serge Riaboukine, Anne Coesens, Filip Peeters, Nabil Ben Yadir, Martin Swabey / 更多...
Synopsis :
9×19mm Parabellum Wikipedia ~ The 9×19mm Parabellum is a firearms cartridge that was designed by Georg Luger and introduced in 1902 by the German weapons manufacturer Deutsche Waffen und Munitionsfabriken DWM German Weapons and Munitions Factory for their Luger semiautomatic pistol For this reason it is designated as the 9mm Luger by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition
9 mm caliber Wikipedia ~ This article lists firearm cartridges which have a bullet in the 9 millimetres 035 in to 999 millimetres 0393 in caliber range Case length refers to the round case length OAL refers to the overall length of the loaded round All measurements are given in millimeters followed by the equivalent in inches between parentheses
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The 5 Best 9mm Carbines for Home Defense Written by Bill ~ While the first two 9mm carbines listed above are specifically designed to combine the compact size and ease of maneuverability of a handgun with the butt stock and extended sight radius of a rifle to create a unique style of firearm for close quarters battle the Beretta Cx4 Storm is a significantly longer carbine that is better suited to
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